CiPPPA membership

Driving effective change through collective action

With the support of key industry players, CiPPPA members can drive effective change through collective action. All CiPPPA members join the partnership as an alliance member and take part in at least one Action Task Force.

1. Alliance members

The Alliance fosters collaboration and innovation by bringing together otherwise competing firms in a pre-competitive environment. By aligning themselves and pooling resources, the member organisations create a platform to address global environmental concerns, particularly related to the end-of-life management of pharmaceutical packaging.

2. CiPPPA Action Task Forces

Each CiPPPA Task Force is led by industry experts through organisational schemes and industry collaboration to develop and deploy solutions. These Task Forces play a crucial role in leveraging the expertise and resources of member organisations.


CiPPPA is open to all organisations in the PPP value chain. Pioneers who want to join the CiPPPA initiative must commit to the following:


Must join CiPPPA as an Alliance Member and contribute in accordance to business model and activities


Contribute knowledge and/or financially depending on stakeholder grouping


Must be signed up to at least one solution / Action Task Force
Our Partners

Our partners are committed to making CiPPPA’s vision a reality through collaborative efforts

“By founding and establishing CiPPPA, we can deliver enhanced end-of-life for blister packs and related pharmaceutical packaging such as metered dose inhalers and injectables. The willingness of leading pharmaceutical companies and global OTC brands to support the initiative has been tremendous, and as CiPPPA continues to grow, so too does our ability to influence societal and cross-industry change.”

Duncan Flack
Global Sustainability Lead at Honeywell and Chairman of CiPPPA

Action Task Force members

Our Action Task Force members serve as the drivers of CiPPPA’s initiatives and the take-back schemes being planned. The Task Forces are collaborative and cooperate across functions.


- AbbVie
- Honeywell
- Reckitt
- Haleon
- Merck


- Lilly
- AbbVie
- Sanofi
- Takeda
- Merck


- Chiesi
- Honeywell
“We’re delighted to support the launch of this important initiative and look forward to collaborating to achieve shared goals that can positively impact the pharmaceutical industry, the NHS, patients and the planet. As a founding member of CiPPPA, Chiesi is committed to continuing our journey of driving greener practices both inside and outside of our business.”

Harriet Lewis
Director of Public Affairs and Communications, Chiesi UK and Ireland

Alliance members

CiPPPA’s Alliance members foster collaboration and innovation and play an essential role in shaping the initiative’s impact and influence.
“We’re proud to be a founding member of CiPPPA and join forces with partners across the sector to address the sustainable packaging of medicines and vaccines. We have ambitious company targets across climate and nature and through collaborative initiatives such as CiPPPA, we believe we can make a positive impact through the increased recycling of packaging, helping to protect the health of both people and the planet.”

Claire Lund
VP Sustainability, GSK

Technical advisory members

The Technical Advisory Group advises the CiPPPA leadership and Task Forces on activities.
“CiPPPA envisions a future where collective efforts shape our actions. We are building a pre-competitive platform where we draw inspiration from member initiatives, schemes, projects and current solutions and adapt collectively as an industry with a shared problem. The impact of what we achieve together is dependent on our actions today. CiPPPA is not just about recycling, repurposing and end-of-life removal of PPP from landfills; it’s about creating a positive, environmentally-conscious and enduring legacy for the benefit of all.”

Maryam Babba
TDi’s Multi-stakeholder Manager and Lead Project Manager for CiPPPA

Steering Committee members

Steering Committee members are part of CiPPPA’s leadership and also participate in Action Task Forces. They provide organisational oversight, work with the technical advisors, and are supported by the Project Management Office (TDi Sustainability). Committee members tend to be from the following types of organisations:

healthcare, and
suppliers and
manufacturers for
Contract Research
Research and
organisations in the
Clinical research
and testing

Project Management Office

TDi Sustainability is the Project Management Office for CiPPPA – coordinating and supporting the initiative.

Interested in joining CiPPPA?

Join CiPPPA members in driving effective change through collective action.

Lets talk!