How CiPPPA works

Solutions that can make significant impact

CiPPPA is action-oriented and identifies solutions that can make significant impacts in current waste streams that are ripe for (or have potential to) scale in the near to medium term.

The role of CiPPPA Action Task Forces

At the heart of CiPPPA’s efforts lies three Action Task Forces focussing on blister, inhaler and injectable packaging - these serve as the vehicles driving the initiative forward, organising collective action by initiating new or supporting existing programmes.

Initiatives for scaling kerb-side collection and take-back schemes
Rapid downcycling pathways
Enabling collection of Post Industrial Recycled (PIR) waste from manufacturers and packers
Simplifying packaging designs to facilitate postconsumer collection
Collective advocacy to improve current regulations on using waste materials in primary pharmaceutical packaging

Join CiPPPA to make an impact

CiPPPA is open to all organisations in the Primary Pharmaceutical Packaging (PPP) value chain with an interest in primary pharmaceutical packaging, and who want to contribute to circularity in the industry, including:

  • Pharmaceutical companies
  • Healthcare facilities
  • Waste management organisations
  • Recycling organisations
  • Patient advocacy groups
  • Academic institutions
  • Regulatory bodies
  • Individuals
  • Producers of medicines
  • Manufacturers of PPP
  • Logistic companies
  • Distributors
  • End users
  • Global health organisations
  • Technical experts
  • Public health surveillance groups
How you can participate

Make a significant impact in sustainable practices

Your involvement can make a significant impact in fostering sustainable practices within the pharmaceutical industry.


Address environmental challenges associated with pharmaceutical packaging

In the short term you can help to speed up the establishment of take-back schemes by actively engaging in recycling efforts and directly contributing to mitigating the complex environmental challenges linked to pharmaceutical packaging. Your involvement is crucial in driving sustainable practices, reducing waste, and fostering an environmentally conscious approach within the pharmaceutical industry. Over the longer term as initiatives become established, you’ll be able to find out more about how to get involved in our news and updates section.


Actively contribute to CiPPPA’s mission

Organisations have the opportunity to actively contribute to CiPPPA’s take-back schemes by leveraging the expertise and resources of other members. By participating, organisations contribute to the advancement of CiPPPA’s mission by addressing complex environmental challenges associated with pharmaceutical packaging and fostering sustainable practices within the industry.

Eligible products

Currently, CiPPPA is focussing on blister, inhaler and injectable packaging

Blister Packs

CiPPPA aims to address issues surrounding non-recyclable blister packaging, finds solutions for investing in sustainable alternatives, and advocates for eco-friendly practices.


Non-recyclable injectables pose environmental and waste management concerns, and can hinder sustainable practices and recycling objectives.


Inhalers are often not recyclable due to the complex combination of materials including plastics, metals, and electronics, which makes separating and recycling these components challenging.
News & updates

Hear more about CiPPPA at upcoming events

CiPPPA hosts and attends regular events to collaborate with the pharmaceutical industry and discover innovative ways to accelerate recyclable PPP solutions.

Lets talk!