CiPPPA Celebrated in Parliamentary Discussion on Sustainable NHS Packaging

In a recent UK parliamentary session, the Circularity in Primary Pharmaceutical Packaging Accelerator (CiPPPA) was highlighted as a key player in the drive towards sustainable healthcare solutions. This mention came during a question raised by The Lord Bishop of Chelmsford, who enquired about the government’s plans to promote sustainable packaging for NHS-distributed medications, specifically seeking alternatives to plastic blister packs. 

Baroness Merron, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Patient Safety, Women’s Health and Mental Health, responded by outlining NHS England’s collaborative efforts with various partners, including CiPPPA:  

“NHS England is working collaboratively with a range of partners including the Department, the pharmaceutical industry, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), and others to support achievement of net zero ambitions for the National Health Service, as summarised in the ‘Delivering a net zero NHS’ report published in October 2020. Action on packaging, alongside a wide range of other activities, will support achievement of these ambitions, often also improving efficiency and reducing cost. 

NHS England is supporting specific initiatives such as Circularity in Primary Pharmaceutical Packaging Accelerator, a not-for-profit collaborative which aims, amongst other ambitions, to improve the circularity of blister packs. The MHRA provides regulatory and scientific advice to companies improving the environmental sustainability of their products, and can assist with changes to packaging materials.  

Patient safety will always be our primary objective, with increased environmental sustainability in pharmaceutical packaging playing an important part in mitigating the long-term impacts of climate change on our patients.” 

The recognition of CiPPPA in the parliamentary discussion emphasise the vital role its members have in the sustainability movement within the healthcare sector. We are proud to have been acknowledged at this level, and keen to showcase the importance of collaborative efforts in tackling environmental challenges through the development of sustainable packaging practices. 

Lets talk!